OCISeating Customers
We are announcing that effective May, 1st 2022 there will be a new OCI Seating price book. All orders placed on or before April 30, 2022 will qualify for current pricing. These orders must ship in our normal lead-time which is currently 4-5 weeks. Orders scheduled to ship outside the normal lead time will not qualify for current(old) pricing. Your dealers will have to re-quote their orders using the May 1, 2022 price book if they will want to delay shipments past the normal lead time. Also effective May 1, 2022 the 5% surcharge letter will be eliminated. This new price book was necessary in order to address all the rising costs associated with our manufacturing.
In this new price book we have added many new products like the Elē, Capa and G2. You will see our new freight program added which has already gone into effect.
You may have already noticed some of the exciting changes happening with OCI Seating. We have introduced many new products with several more coming soon, improved website, MRL, Giza, CET and the new company rebranding that has seen us go from OCISitwell to OCI Seating.